How Hershey Got Her Name
By Pam Leavy
One of my cats was found by my husband, Andy, and me in a grocery parking lot.
Not a store I normally used, just happened to go there this time. A tiny kitten
ran to us, meowing frantically, rubbing on grocery carts and welcoming our
attention. I picked her up and looked around with that horrible feeling "What do
I do now? I've touched this kitten and she is now my responsibility."

I was a stray
She was obviously dumped there. Andy insisted our 2 cats and 1 dog were enough
pets, so I explained that we'd take her home and find a home for her.
We all knew that if the kids and I named her, she'd become our pet, so the rule
was "Do not name her." A week or so later, Andy, still suspicious, asked, "You
have not named her, have you." I replied, "No, we only refer to the kitten as
"her" and "she," hence the name quickly formed, "Hershey."

And now I'm Hershey
And six years later, in addition to Hershey, we have 8 other indoor cats,
including one of our own rescued Katrina cats. I have failed horribly as a foster
mom, and months after finding Hershey, Andy hid my eyes as we crossed the parking
lot to that store. I have assured him that we would remain in the single digits.