Kitty Star of the Week for November 4 - 10, 2001.
Happy Cat -- also known as Skittles -- is a 4 year old female who is all black except for some
white in the tufts of her ears and a few white hairs on her
She loves to sleep on her person-mom's bed, sit in the window,
have her tummy rubbed, and get scritched under her chin (during
which Skittles will purr and purr and purr). She also
enjoys sitting in the top of an office paper box, and she particularly
likes to go "pitty-pat" (that is, to strope) the edge of the box
top, making it go "thup-thup-thup" as she moves her paws.
Her favorite toys are her little mice that she loves to bat around.
She also likes chasing the end of a shoelace that is dragged
along the floor. She will stalk the shoelace, stop, then raise her
rump in the air and wiggle it before moving in for the final pounce.
She has a sweet disposition and is a very nice cat. She can be
quite talkative when she wants to be and will mew these little
squeaky mews when she has something to say.
Skittles is relaxing...

So comfortable

Ahh, this is the life!

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