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Kitty Star of the Week for Apr. 28 - May 4, 2002.

Dear Friends, Hi, my name is Kitty Baby Gram from Chicago, Il. I'm a Maine Coon and Shorthair breed, and I love to have my tummy tickled.

Mom and I play with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer so I can kick, hiss, bite and growl and get Mommy for having the nerve to tickle me. Rudolph is an oven mitt Santa left for me. Most of Rudolph's nose is gone, but I haven't bit off much of his antlers yet.

Two days ago, before Mom could arrivefor playtime I was looking for my Christmas ribbon under my paper bag when I ended up with the bag on the my back and my head through the hole. Paper bags and I don't last long because biting and scratching them to shreds is another favorite activity. When I accomplished all this, Mom tosses one of my 3 blind mice in the air, and after I catch them-how long they remain stuffed is anybody's guess. They were among my 7th birthday gifts March 1 so perhaps they'll last until Santa's return.

After Mom tames the tiger out of me for the day, and a nice cleansing tongue bath, I have a date with the SandKitty and it's off to the land of dreamland for me where I act out my Tiger Lily antics. Bye! Your friends, Kitty Baby and Mom-Christine.

March 2008, A Memorial:

kitty baby gram
Kitty Baby, enjoying the sun

Her person mom sent the following:

Kitty Baby, A Decade of Love

Kitty Baby, our special blessing, came home with me from a vet's June 2, 1998. She was born March 1, 1995 and died in my arms, March 8, 2008.

Kitty Baby loved playtime! Her favorite game was to rabbit kick the oven mitt I wore and hold me down with her strong front paws! She enjoyed sniffing the bushes, smelling the flowers, and looking for garden snakes in the spring and summer. Kitty Baby's travels to the great outdoors were always supervised with me or my husband.

Kitty Baby, you are the "sunshine in our lives". I will wear a heart shaped locket with a few locks of your fur inside with the inscription, "Kitty Baby, A Decade of Love."

Thank you, Kitty Baby, for the love, patience and joy you gave us! You are forever in our hearts!

Mom and Dad-

cat and wheel
Hide and Seek, age 4

Kitty Baby's parents also shared some memories of her. "The funniest thing Kitty Baby did was jump over my head in the middle of the night! She was 5 or 6 years old. Often, around 4 a.m. she would wake me up to be tickled.I kept an oven mitt by the bedside. My husband just laughed, turned over in bed and went back to sleep when I had to tickle the energy out of her so I could get some sleep...Yes, once I did wake up still wearing the oven mitt!"

cat grooming
Keeping Clean, age 10

Christmas cat
Celebrating Christmas, age 9

To her person-dad "the funniest thing was when he was bending over in the bathroom. Kitty Baby's litterbox was in the bathroom. She needed to use it. Pushing the door open, she hit him in the head with the door!"

cat in wedding veil
On Mom and Dad's Anniversary 2007, age 12

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