Kitty Stars of the Week for September 8 - 14, 2002.
This week, our first kitty stars are Ella and Ozzwald, and their
person writes:
This is Ella, short for Azryella, (she is the smaller one with black
and white) and Ozzwald. Ella is about 1 1/2 years old. She loves
people, and her favorite toy is a bottle cap. Buy her every expensive
toy out there, and she will reach up and steal the bottle cap off the
table to play with. I rescued her from the humane society when she
was 4 months old. Ozzwald is my big black baby. Everyone things he
is a big mean cat, when he is actually the biggest baby. He loves
to cuddle on the couch and wants attention all the time. He is about 4
years old. He was given to me by a friend because she could not have
pets where she was moving. He is a very smart and sometimes thinks he
is a dog, becausehe comes to you when you whisle.

Our second kitty star is Izabelle, and this is her story:
This is izabelle. She's only a 1 year old in this picture, but right
now she's 4. We found her and her siblings dumped by a river, so we
took them all in. But since she was the runt, we decided to keep her.
This was her favorite position on the couch and still is to this very
day. We love her with all our hearts.

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