Kitty Stars of the Week for February 2 - 8, 2003.
This week, meet Raisin Cane and Tabatha. Raisin is a Bombay mix and Tabby
is an oscicat with spots and stripes typical of that breed. They love looking out the window
together, playing hide and seek, and "outstare" to see who wins.

Copyright 2002, Rochelle Maucher
Here's a little more about Raisin Cane. She arrived at her home in June
2001 as a flea-anemic kitten of 8 ounces. She is now over a year and a half.
She walks on a leash, loves to ride in the car, loves to come
when she is called, and fetches little "mousies" as her furry toys are
called. Besides Tabatha, Raisin has 3 other kitty siblings!

Copyright 2002, Rochelle Maucher
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