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Ricki at 17
A little slideshow in memory of the Rick cat.
Copyright 1999-2018 by crazyforKITTIES (SM)
Kitty Star of the Week for July 20 - 26, 2003.
From our submitter:
"Blackness was left by our neighbors when they sold their house 5
years ago. She's an outdoor cat who lives in our garage during the
winter months. We wanted to bring her inside, but the veterinarian
told us she has feline HIV and that she could infect our other cat.
But she seems to prefer living outside anyway.
"Blackness always stays close to home, even in summer when she sleeps
under the deck to stay out of the hot sun or comes out to "help" us
garden and flops down in the mulch under a shady tree or shrub.
"She's the friendliest cat and will let you do anything to her as
long as she's being petted and scratched. Everyone at the vet's
office loves her and so do we."