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Ricki at 17
A little slideshow in memory of the Rick cat.
Copyright 1999-2018 by crazyforKITTIES (SM)
Kitty Stars of the Week for August 24 - 30, 2003.
This week, we're featuring 2 kitties who have 2 special canine friends.
Our submitter writes,
"Who says dogs and cat don't get along? Not in my house. As you can
see, my dogs and cats sleep on top of each other. My Lab (Holy)
will hold her kitty and clean her with her big tongue. Then it's the
Labs turn -- kitty then cleans the Lab! Everyday is a kodac moment!
Sh sh! Don't tell them cats and dogs don't get along. The kitties
names are Lili and LuLu, from a high kill shelter in Georgia.
It would have been a terrible mistake to kill these very loving
kitties. All I know is rescued pets are absolutly the best!
What a happy family we are!