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Ricki at 17
A little slideshow in memory of the Rick cat.
Copyright 1999-2018 by crazyforKITTIES (SM)
Kitty Stars of the Week for November 16 - 22, 2003.
Our submitter writes,
"These are our two cats. The white one is Jessica and the grey one is Joshua.
They were found abandoned at 4 weeks old, I believe, and nursed by a lady who
took care of 30 or so cats. There were three but my parents restricted us to
two and the other seemed more independent.
"The cats are now nearing 5 or 6
years old but they are still my kitties. We moved recently and they did not
like that at all. But these cats seem to think they are kings of the world.
Jessica enjoys sitting at the table. Since I have gone to college she now
occupies my seat nightly. Although Jessica is smaller, she will push her
brother out of the way when food is involved. She will eat almost anything
but her brother just likes to paw the air around any food. He pretends he is
big and bad, but he is afraid of loud noises and spends most of his time being
a lazy house cat.
"PS. Josh has a huge tail you cant see in this picture. We think he
may have a bit of Maine Coon in him. My boyfriend says it looks like
his tail exploded!"