Kitty Star of the Week for November 23 - 29, 2003.
LOUIE, the three-legged abandoned cat, is feeling fine after
finding love in the arms of a Devon family. The ex-farm cat has
prospered with the Neal family, of Exmouth, after being found three
years ago as a kitten abandoned in a Somerset ditch. Now Louie and
nine-year-old Charlotte Neal, have been entered in the Cats
Protection's rescue cat of the year award.
Charlotte's mum, Debbie, said Louie had thrived since moving to Exmouth.
"He was no bigger than the palm of my hand when he was found and must have been just weeks old.
He had one paw missing and the vet thought it had likely been bitten off by a water rat or fox. He had been thrown in the ditch near a farm in Rooksbridge and left to die. A friend of the family found him and asked if we would look after him. He was very feral when we got him and attacked our other cats.
But he survived and is now one of the family and has got a brilliant character. He gets out and about and can climb trees so he leads a full life.
He has done very well and really has achieved a lot."
Charlotte added: "Our nickname for him is Tripod. We certainly couldn't live without him now."

Cat owners have until 16 January 2004 to enter Cats Protection's
Rescue Cat of the Year Award. The award seeks to honour those felines
whose stories of courage, survival, fate and transformation have
inspired the humans who love and care for them. It is open to cats
rescued as strays by their current owner or felines adopted from
any animal welfare organisation.
You can download an entry form from
Cats Protection's website
or through e-mail request to
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