"My kitty's name is Keiko. She is about two and a half years old and full
of life. I got Keiko by answering an ad in the newpaper for free kittens. At
first, my mom and dad didn't like her because she was infested with bugs and
had to live in the garage. I wasn't happy about this, but I didn't want bugs
in my bed. She also had ear mites, but we took her to the vet and fixed her
right up. We also got her spayed. She only likes my parents, me, and my
boyfriend. She hides from everyone else.

"Besides being a scaredy cat towards people, she rules all of the other
animals around the house. She intimidates the dog and corners her in rooms.
Poor Maggie. We live out in the country, so Keiko's only allowed daytime
visits outside. She runs around and hisses at all of the outside cats, then
comes back inside to go to the litter box. Sometimes she gets left outside
at night, but she paws at my window until I let her in at 3 am.
"Making up my bed is quite an ordeal with her. When I try to straighten a
sheet, she runs full force onto the bed and messes it all up. When I try to
pick her up and put her off the bed she runs away. She does this each time I
pull up another sheet. She also likes to run around the house and hide from
her imaginary friends... my mom calls them spirits... haha
"She just eats regular dry cat food and she occasionally gets 'kitty
treaties'. She'll even sit for one! There's no telling what else she eats
when she goes outside. Sometimes she eats too many bugs and then comes back
inside to throw them up! yuck.
"Keiko is a great friend. My whole family loves her now. Even my boyfriend
who used to hate cats loves her. My dad even picks her up and hugs her
(although I'm sure he'd never admit to it... but I've seen it.) We love her
sooooo much!"