Kitty Stars of the Week for June 6 - 12, 2004
Our submitter writes,
"My mom and I work in a milking parlor where we milk about 150 cows.
Naturally where there's cows there's cats, and this farm was no
exception. One cold November evening in 2003, my mom went to the
farm for evening milking. Now in this parlor set up we have these
big barrel type things for the towels (to clean the cow's udders).
Princess, as we called her jumped in the barrel and was acting rather
weird. It was soon apparent that our little Princess was having her
babies! After a long, long , long 3 hours she only had one baby.
My mom was soon done chores and was ready to leave, but Princess was
still in the barrel in labor. After a few minutes Mom decided to take
Princess home. The next morning we were shocked to find that she
still only had one baby, and she was straining and pushing and quite
tired so we rushed her to the local vet clinic, baby in tow!
After a stressful C-section, we soon learned that another baby was
stuck in the birth canal, and behind it was another baby.
Unfortunately, both of these babies died during the night as they
were quite weak, but the kitten who was born -- Zeena as we named her
-- was quite all right and went along for the ride. After a few days,
we finally brought our girls home, not back to the farm. Princess
has since then made a full recovery, and has gained weight, and
Zeena is growing like a weed. They fit in well at our house with our
other cats: Spice, Abby, and Bing who all have their own stories to
tell, but maybe some other time. The picture below is of Princess
(bottom) and Zeena (top). Aren't they the cutest?"

[Editor: we can all learn from this story, so we're glad our submitter
sent it in. If your cat is giving birth
does not have all of her kittens in a few hours, please take your
cat (and any kittens) to your veterinarian immediately. And even
better -- if your cat has not been spayed or neutered, PLEASE
make an appointment today with the vet.]
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