Kitty Stars of the Week for October 2 - 8, 2005
We have a whole pack of kitties this week. Our submitter writes,
"We have 6 cats. We have a tabby Manx that is 1 1/2 years old and his name is Pico,
AKA "Pico Orange". Another cat we have is Oleo Vesuvius, as in butter; he's a Siamese mix
that is 4 1/2 years old. There is also Weslayan my orange and white tabby who is about 3
years old. Then there is Bootie AKA "Bootious Maximus" and Mandy AKA "Mandolin", which are
4 1/2 years old, and are brother and sister to Oleo. Bootie is black and white; he looks
as if he's wearing a suit, and Mandy is a black tabby. Last but not least is George AKA
"Georgous George." He's a tabby, and we think George might be a Maine Coon tabby. He is
about 6 years old, and he came from my mother, because she couldn't keep him when she
moved. We have also have some other picturess of stray cats we took in that have been
adopted by our friends."




Mandy and Bootie


Maya, Mala, and Roca


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