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Kitty Star of the Week for December 4 - 10, 2005

The Kitty Star this week is Lady Jane, and her person-mom writes,

"Lady Jane is not in the house much whatsover, no matter how much I spoil and love on her. She doesn't like the other cats. She was my first cat who used to be my daughter's before she got married. Lady Jane is a beautiful cat, and luckily I am able to get her to brush her to keep her from getting the terrible knots she is capable of getting. After I got Sasha [who was one of the kitty stars Sep. 18, 2005], I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back according to her. Lady Jane just was not the same kitty and acts like she is a wild kitty instead. I hate it when the weather is freezing, that, and the fact she still will not come in unless I catch her. I bought a nice new plastic dog house that I got a rug in and bedding for her, and believe it or not, she loves that house outside on the back porch. I also made a flap in front so the rain doesn't blow in on her. I can even run an extension and put a heating pad in there, too, but I would much rather figure out how to get her to want to come indoors. If I try to keep her in, even when it is cold, she shows her displeasure by peeing on the couch or my bed! I just wish I could get inside her little kitty mind to be able to understand her more. I know her feelings were hurt when we got the other cats as 'Lady Jane' is a very good name for her." [If any one has any suggestions, send them to this website.]

Lady Jane now enjoys being inside and hanging out with the others to some degree. In addition to her feline "siblings" she also has a rabbit "sister" -- Hunny Bunny. Hunny likes to play with Lady Jane's tail:

cat and rabbit
Hunny spots Lady Jane's tail

Hunny and Lady Jane
Lady Jane says, "Hey," while Hunny denies everything

gray cat
Lady Jane warns Hunny, but Hunny is just waiting for her chance!

After a recent move, and unlike her kitty sisters, Lady Jane is not scared, but quite relaxed:

Lady Jane lounging
Lady Jane lounging on a favorite spot

Many months later, she is still content:

Lady Jane is content to sit in the window

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