Kitty Star of the Week for January 8 - 14, 2006
Mama Cat is our star and her person-mom writes,
"Mama Cat came to us when she was a year old and pregnant. Her owner wasn't a very good
cat daddy, so he turned ownership of her and her 4 kittens over to us. We kept all 5 cats
and Mama is now 3 years old and the kitties are 2 years old. Mama Cat is a bit
temperamental and does best when she stays in familiar surroundings with familiar people.
Changes upset her and cause her to freak out and hiss, slap with her paws, and sometimes
bite. Luckily, she is declawed! We just let her hang out at our house and do her own
thing, then she is perfectly happy. She does like to cuddle up to my husband when he is
watching TV or using the computer, and she will lay her paw or her head on his arm.
She will ask to be petted or held as long as she feels she is in control and that she can
leave whenever she wants to. Mama Cat has long hair that mats easily, so I have to shave
off her fur a couple of times a year and let it grow back to prevent matting. She doesn't
tolerate brushing and combing very well. In this photo her hair is halfway grown back.
Mama Cat gets along well with our other 7 cats, and the entire clan are 'indoor only' cats. I love Mama Cat's pretty, colorful fur. She makes a very attractive decoration draped out on the back of our sofa in the front window!
Unfortunately, she thinks she also makes a great centerpiece on our dining room table!"

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