"I found Layla about 4 months ago when she was only 4 weeks old. I found her stuck inside
an air conditioning vent in an abandoned gym while I was away at school. She was cold,
hungry and crying so I saved her. She quickly became a college kitty who has developed a
loving and interesting personality.
"She is a beautiful black cat; I think she is a Bombay Kitty. She lives in two locations
and has a huge extended family. Since I am a college student I travel back and forth
between New York and Maryland, and of course she comes along for the ride and sits on my
lap. At home she plays with her sister Idgy (my older sister’s kitty she found, also a
previous star of the week January 1-7, 2006). She has an older brother Peeks that is
always cranky and a sister dog Roxy. At school she has 7 roommates that are her aunts who
love her and play with her constantly.
"Layla never fails to wait by the door for someone to get home and to immediately snuggle
or play. She enjoys playing fetch with crumpled pieces of paper or her toy mice. She
doesn’t like me to do schoolwork and she always sits on my laptop and locks the keyboard.
She loves to eat just about anything that everyone else is eating no to mention drink
things too. She is often caught on the counter. She loves ham, roast beef and likes 9
lives cat food
"Just like her sister Idgy, Layla also likes to play in the water. She waits by the sink
for anyone to wash up or brush up. Layla also enjoys taking showers. She is always
sitting on the ledge waiting to get in after you.
"I’m so glad that I found her; I love her with all my heart and I am always excited to get
home to my lovely little kitty!"