Kitty Star of the Week for April 2 - 8, 2006
Spooky is the star of the week, and his person-dad writes,
"I was the daddy of Miss Puss, who was featured as cat of the week on March 24, 2002,
but she had to be euthanized this February, and I was very sad, although she lived 17 good
long years, and wasn't sick at all until her last month or so.
I got a new baby, Spooky, whom I rescued from a shelter called The Cat Care Society here
in Denver, Colorado. He's one year old, and weighs 11 pounds! He's quite the handful, but
is a lover. I've got a lot of work ahead of me raising a young cat, although I'm sure he'll be
a great cat to love. I needed a new cat buddy after having my beloved Miss Puss for so

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