Kitty Star of the Week for November 5 - 11, 2006.
Our kitty of the week is Love Muffin. Love Muffin recently was one
of 5 kitties. Unfortunately, her humans had to find new homes for
all their cats -- for some reason in their part of Alaska, they
couldn't find any place that rented that would allow cats. So new
homes were found for the cats.

Love Muffin
Love Muffin's new mom and dad are thrilled to have her. Her new
mom says, "She is settled in finally and being a happy girl finally.
I was sad with her in the beginning because she was so heartbroken
losing her mommy and daddy who loved her. She felt betrayed."
Apparently "the Muffin" loves men. She likes her new mom, but her
new dad (Robert) is the one she's really bonded with.

Making Herself at Home
Her mom also writes,
"The Muffin is a lot more happy now. She has a brand new litter box,
too, with sides so she can't fling it over the floor. And she is a
good clean kitty now. She loves her cat-house-bed I gave her. She
likes to sneak in my cupboard, though. and sleep. She knows how to
open cupboard doors, by the way! She has no desire to go outside
into the cold cruel world. She prefers a life of leisure inside in
her own Disney-cat-world far away from the harsh true realities of
the world.

Settling In
"She knows what "treat" means and comes when you call her
by name. She follows me everywhere in the house. I have to watch
her, as she can get underfoot and get stepped on if I am not being
careful. She did chase Baby and Sasha [her new sister kitties]
through the house yesterday. I don't know if they were playing or
serious, but to see my overweight Baby fly through the hall thumping
her body on the floor when she ran -- her weight made noise as her
paws hit the floor. Her belly flapped wildly side to side as she
scurried away. Poor Baby! Melah and Muffin pass one another,
stopping to look and hiss at one another.
"Muffin climbs up on
Robert's big warm belly everynight and puts her head under his chin.
She chose to bond with him first, which is fine with me.

Muffin bonding with big daddy
"Here is a picture of my son kneeling besides her last night. She
came right up to him and he really thinks that she is a very special
kind of cat."

New Friends
Love Muffin is up to new tricks. Her mom explains,
'Love Muffin is playing a game called "speak to the hand" -- only I don't
have to put my hand up as a signal for her to speak any more. She speaks
when I say, "Speak" now!. She is so smart. When we play speak, we do
"goochie, goochie, goochie," and I tickle her under her neck -- whereby
she makes this hissy face! But her ears never go back, and the fact that she
doesn't run away shows me that she gets into the game of pretending she
is "tough."'

I'm hissing...

... to show what a tough girl I am!
Love Muffin loves her new cat tree!:

Hmm, what's this?

This is a nice place to sit

I like being up here

And surveying my terrain

Comfy place

This side is nice, too

This is a great place to hang out, too
Love Muffin recently got Softpaws. Her person mom says that "Love Muffin had
a problem using nails in a assertive way over my declawed kitties. I didn't
know about the problems with declawing before,
but since my cats had it done by six months old when I had them fixed, they
missed nothing. To declaw a cat Muffin's age would have upset her mentally.
So, I heard about Softpaws and they do work. They are not hard to apply if
your cat is willing to behave. Muffin was really naughty but after I put
them on her, she seemed to know how pretty they were!"

See my Softpaws
Love Muffin is sporting both her Softpaws and her new shirt:  Looking
pretty... my red Softpaws...

...and my new shirt!
Love Muffin looking very pretty in her new Christmas jacket:

Look at me!
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