Kitty Star of the Week for December 10 - 16, 2006.
Our cat star this week is Minnie. Her person-mom writes,
Breed: I haven't found it yet, I found her abandoned, so she's more of an Alley Cat...
Home: She lives at home with me, my boyfriend, and family.
Favorite Toy: Minnie usually plays with a soft, fuzzy mouse, but she really likes string or
ribbon, too.
Favorite Food: Anything canned! She really likes Turkey flavored snacks.
Favorite Activity: She loves to cuddle with people.
ETC: The day I found her was a very important day to me. I was working with my father
painting a house, when she approached us meowing for attention. We just petted her and
continued painting. But she attached herself to me, and would follow me everywhere, even
up the ladder! Then, after we went out to buy food for lunch, we came back to share
it with her. She approached me, grabbed the meat from between my hamburger buns and ran off
with it! I couldn't help but laugh. It was hard to leave after the work was done, she
kept following us and crying. That's when my father asked me if I wanted to keep her.
I said yes, and I've never regretted it. She was clean of fleas or any disease. I am still
unsure if she's ever been fixed, but she's never gone into heat, therefore I assume she is
fixed. We think she might have been owned before, because I placed a collar on her and
she didn't fight me or attempt to take it off.

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