Kitty Star of the Week for October 18 - 24, 2009
This week our star is Steve:

Our submitter writes,
"Steve passed
away from complications from kidney stones recently. I miss him
terribly. All animal lovers know that each cat/dog etc has their own
individual personalities and quirks - but, every once in a while, we
are blessed to know a particularly unique and special animal. Steve
was just such a character!

"Steve liked to get ready for work with me, loved showers (yep,
really!), and truly enjoyed taking a ride in the car with me. He had
a special way of snuggling in the crook of my neck that always made me
giggle, and was such a cool, cool kitty that he became quite a celebrity
in our neighborhood. Sometimes, the neighborhood kids would stop by
just to see Steve... gosh, he really is missed.

My only consolation
in losing him, is having been blessed to be his lady-mama. It IS
better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
Blessing - Julie Bee"

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