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Kitty Star of the Week for Nov. 26 - Dec. 2, 2000.

Misty is a 14 year old who is on a special diet from the vet, because her kidneys are failing. She also gets fluid treatments every other day.

She's half British Blue/Cream, but her mommy got loose and "made friends" with one of the other neighborhood kitties. Her mommy's people were so very unhappy that their pedigreed baby had been "soiled" that they dropped the litter of kittens at the animal shelter when they were only three weeks old.

Fortunately, Misty found some much more compassionate people to become her new family. Her new people fed Misty from a bottle at first, then worked her up to Kitten Chow mashed up with water before she was ready for regular cat food. She has always been a little petite, about 8 pounds full-grown.

Misty loves to chase mice and present them to her Mom and Dad, even though she's a getting older. She's kind of skittish around strangers and children now, but she still walks up her Dad's back every morning at 4am, sharp, to wake him up. If he doesn't get up right away, she swats everything off his bedside table.

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