Kitty Star of the Week for Dec. 26, 1999 - Jan. 1, 2000.
Buckwheat is a 12-year-old long-haired tabby. He's an outdoorsman, and a big
bully who likes to pick on -- and devour, if possible -- any small critter
he can find. Next to choice fresh bits of squirrels, chipmunks, baby
bunnies, and birds, his favorite treat is chicken juice from a can. He likes
to drink from the toilet, and he complains loudly when the water isn't fresh
enough to suit him.

Buckwheat enjoys a good "spanking" on his hindquarters, just next to his
tail. He sometimes allows petting, as long as you go nowhere near his belly.
His favorite napping spot is his fleece-covered bed next to the TV. When
that becomes too confining, he stretches out on his back with his paws up in
the air -- always in a spot where everyone must walk around him (narrow
hallways are good). When not asleep, eating, or roaming the neighborhood,
he's picking on his little sister Sugarfoot.
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