Kitty Star of the Week for April 15 - 21, 2001.
Baby Twinkle won her human over at the shelter 5 years ago. Giving
head bumps through her cage -- what a sweet kitty!!
She turned out to be very smart, very curious, very playful and
OH what a terror! Her human discovered she had lived on the mean streets
for all of her 7 months -- and heaven knows what she saw or experienced!
She had never walked on a rug before -- at first her human thought she
was brain damaged because of the weird way she walked - then
she got used to it.
Now that she is almost 6 years old, has she settled down? Not
at all!! She kicks her heels left and right when she runs (at
full speed) -- for a 30 inch long, 17 pound cat, this is a sight!
She plays hide and seek with her human, leaps over her "sister"
cat, Princess
( a "smaller" 13 pound cat) and loves to go for Xerox box rides
through the apartment. She loves it when her human holds her like a baby
and kisses her belly (but heaven protect anyone else who tries
to do that to her!), and in turn, she licks her humans' short hair and
purrs in bliss.
Princess thinks she's crazy, but she will come over and lick Baby's
forehead once in a while. They usually end up locked in combat
Since Baby is part-feral, her person had trouble trying to clip
her claws until she learned to bribe her with Cat treats -- now
Baby Twinkle lies calmly and purrs while her claws get clipped.
The streets have never totally left her memory, and she loves
to play in the snow and with icicles, steal Princess' food (so
they get fed in separate rooms), and if she can't get out
on the (catproofed) balcony, she will either howl or bark (yes
she barks!).
She has a lot of fur, so she gets a "hairdo" (brushed) every day
with an after-hairdo treat of Hairball gel -- she knows the meaning
of many words (espeically "ChowTime").
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