Kitty Star of the Week for January 16 - 22, 2000.
This is Olive, aged 14, 6 pounds.
Olive was found as a young kitten peeking in a window of her local court
house. Her front left and back right legs are both crooked; probably
broken at a very young age, then grew curved. She walks with a limp, but
it doesn't slow her down much. However, amusingly, if you scold her, her
limp becomes more pronounced.

Olive is smart and very personable. She loves laps and loves to play.
She'll come when you call her, just like a dog. Any empty box or bag can
present hours of entertainment for her and those who watch her!
Two years ago, Olive almost died from a hyper-thyroid. The wonders of
modern medicine saved her and she's made a full recovery. She does have a
heart condition, due to her age or the toll of the hyper-thyroid, so she is on
daily medicine. She's a terrible pill taker (takes them and spits them out
later), so her human found a pharmacist who will make the medicine in
liquid form. It's working out wonderfully.
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